Voces Suaves & Gli Incognity

V16 | Buxtehude: Membra Jesu nostri


13.04.25 at 19:30 Uhr


Weimar - Stadtkirche St. Peter und Paul


Weimar - Stadtkirche St. Peter und Paul

entrance fee

25 € | 45 €

Pay what you can! (discounted)

Buxtehude’s cantata cycle which gleams with love for and devotion to the body of Christ is the first joint project of the two famous ensembles, Voces Suaves and Gli Incogniti.

Instead of telling the story of the Passion, in Buxtehude's “Membra Jesu nostri” the viewer's attention focuses on the crucified body - seven cantatas about the parts of Christ's body and their significance for the salvation process. His music wonderfully illustrates devotion and love, alternating between instrumental symphonies, polyphonic sections and short arias for each of the five singers.

In their first collaboration, Voces Suaves and the renowned instrumental ensemble Gli Incogniti under the direction of violinist Amadine Beyer now focus on Buxtehude, J.S. Bach's role model and the most influential German composer of the late 17th century. Together, the two ensembles offer an intimate and expressive interpretation of this unique masterpiece.


Voces Suaves

Gli Incogniti
Amandine Beyer
– violin, leading


Dietrich Buxtehude
Membra Jesu nostri BuxWV 75
Sonata a 3 in G BuxWV 271

Sonata a-Moll BuxWV 272

Show overview

event location

Stadtkirche St. Peter und Paul
99423 - Weimar - Thuringia

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