Pygmalion - Welt, gute Nacht


Arnstadt - Oberkirche

Die Wege Bachs

A musical journey on the trail of Johann Sebastian Bach

Almost 100 kilometres on foot and by bike, four intimate concerts in extraordinary churches in Thuringia. Explore the world of Bach with 50 artists. Unforgettable shared experiences with hikes, picnics, public rehearsals and concerts - an unforgettable musical journey!


"Humanity does not need consolation in the form of a joke, it needs consolation that enlightens." Stig Dagerman: The need for consolation is insatiable (1952)

The Thirty Years' War almost completely devastated Germany at the beginning of the 17th century. The people, traumatised by decades of conflict, needed comfort and hope. The Protestant faith proved to be a barrier against the death that lurked everywhere.

The political, economic and spiritual upheavals were also echoed in the music. The great polyphonic sound of the previous century was followed by much more intimate forms, inspired by pietism, which encouraged individual faith and a pious life. Songs of consolation emerged and music became the language of the soul, capable of responding to deep suffering. Lyrics and melodies were written for the emotional world and for the edification of Christians.

These short, modest pieces reflect a rare emotional intensity. 
Nevertheless, despite their themes of grief, pain and tears, they spread a luminous clarity and a calm confidence in the future. Death is only the threshold to liberation and eternal bliss. The young Johann Sebastian Bach was strongly influenced by these works, as his first surviving cantatas show.


Sabine Devieilhe – Sopran
Maïlys de Villoutreys – Sopran
Perrine Devillers – Sopran
Lucile Richardot – Mezzosopran
Paul-Antoine Benos-Djian – Countertenor
Zachary Wilder– Tenor
Antonin Rondepierre – Tenor
Tomas Kral – Bariton
Christian Immler – Bass
Renaud Brès – Bass

Pygmalion – Chor & Orchester
Raphaël Pichon – Leitung


Johann Christoph Bach
Es ist nun aus mit meinem Leben

Dietrich Buxtehude
Jesu mein Lebens Leben BuxW 62

Johann Sebastian Bach
Mein Jesu, was für Seelenweh

Johann Michael Bach
Sinfonia „Auf, lasst uns den Herren loben“

Philipp Erlebach
Himmel, du weißt meine Plagen

Johann Bach
Sei nun wieder zufrieden

Johann Christoph Bach
Ach, dass ich Wassers gnug hätte

Johann Christoph Bach
Fürchte dich nicht

Nicolaus Bruhns
De profundis

Johann Michael Bach
Unser Leben ist siebenzig Jahre

Johann Christoph Bach
Herr, wende dich und sei mir gnädig

Johann Sebastian Bach
Komm, o Tod du Schlafes Bruder

Johann Sebastian Bach
Kantate „Nach dir Herr verlanget mich“ BWV 150


mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Aline Foriel-Destezet und in Zusammenarbeit mit ARTE, France Musique, harmonia mundi, adfc.

Show overview

event location

Pfarrhof 16
99310 - Arnstadt - Thuringia

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Ten places, three festivals, hundreds of artists – and a streaming platform! Together with our partners from Leipzig and Koethen, we invite you to experience our concerts also online. Bach’s music performed at the historic places of his live, available for you at home.